If you believe that having a business website with a “contact us” page is all that it takes to generate leads, the chances are pretty good that your business growth is not what you expected it to be. The purpose of putting your business online was probably to generate high-quality leads that you could convert into new business. If that’s not happening, then SiteGator.com has the solution to get your website, your marketing strategy and your business back on track.
It’s no longer about mass marketing
Digital channels, online searches and social media have become the tools consumers use to find the products and services they need. Mass marketing as the preferred method of drawing traffic to a website is a hit-or-miss proposition. Traffic does not automatically mean those visitors are ready to become consumers.
The concept of targeted leads seeks to generate traffic to your website made up of visitors who are in the market for what it is that you are selling. You want people who are searching the internet for the specific products or services that you offer. Targeted leads are ready for your sales team to convert them into buyers and consumers.
Branding with the ideal domain name
Targeted lead generation begins with your domain name. At SiteGator.com, we believe that your domain name says a lot about your business to consumers. That is why we work closely with domain name marketplaces listed below to help you acquire the premium domain name to either rebrand an existing website/brand or create a new online presence with a new domain name.
- NewYorkBrands.com
- NameDiscover.com
- RealtyBranding.com
- MortgageBrands.com
- Brands.YourBrand.com
- Geolimited.com
As an example, financial and mortgage industry professionals can have the same success with a domain name from MortgageBrands.com. An immediate online presence and authority recognition can be achieved with domains that include:
The domain name marketplaces that we are associated with offer domains to acquire for branding purposes which in turn will generate targeted leads to professionals through developed websites. Some examples would be a descriptive geo type domain name such as BrooklynCPA.com, SohoAttorney.com and QueensHomes.com.
Generating leads with content that speaks to your target audience
Creating the content that speaks to your audience is one of the things we do at SiteGator.com. Taking the targeted leads generated by your premium domain name and presenting them with content that addresses their needs and offers them solutions is what we do for you.